I started off by saying "this is probably the most important thing I will ever tell you!! (They have heard this
schpeel before but I wanted to get their attention!)
Me: A flower needs what to grow?
Them: Sunshine and rain (Riley: Air, soil, nutrients.... Me: Okay, little
Me: Yes, sunshine and rain.
Me: A Christian needs what two things to grow?
Them: praying and reading the bible
Me: Yes, every six months? every week? every day?
Them: every day!
We do this
devo over and over again because mommy needs the reminder to read her bible and pray everyday so... I know my little cuties need this reminder too.
This very year HE showed me the importance of both aspects of spending time with HIM, if I truly want to grow as a Christian. If I want to become more like HIM and display the fruits of the spirit(love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control) on a daily basis. And believe me a mother of five needs to display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness and self control daily!!!
There have been times in my Christian walk where I would just pray or I'd just do my bible study. Then He showed me doing only one or the other was like having a one way conversation. If I just prayed it was like I was doing all the talking during our time together. If I just read my bible (and marked it off my check list) it was like He was just talking to me. And as crazy as it sounds HE, the creator of the universe wants to "hear" from us as we pray to Him.
As a side note, there have also been many days, months, years when I wasn't doing either, praying or reading. I can honestly say they were difficult times when I was foolish, selfish and or depressed. I think reading your bible and praying everyday is the next
important step after asking Jesus to be your saviour. My girls have asked HIM to be their savior but there is more to it for them if they want to "walk" with HIM!
As we finished our
devo time we sang a song we have sung since the girls were tiny. It seemed to make perfect sense to this 37 year old girl who is still growing!
Read your Bible, Pray everyday, Pray everyday, Pray everyday
Read your Bible, Pray everyday,
And you'll grow, grow, grow!!!